Sunday, April 19, 2009
DOT hai toh HOT hai
The scheduled date for the voting in the DELHI city is 7th May, not too far from today, while most of us,the youngsters again, would be still thinking of rather catching up with our old school buddies (people,whom we actually never talked to, during the 12 years but now,why not!!??) or planning a movie-DATE. Leave out the friends, how about going on a vactaion to a remotest (almost unacquainted..) chaacha's house or more interestingly (....huh) doing an engrossing project only during "the time " which would surely take your career nowhere(you know that too..).
How about IPL 2....??? ALL Ready to travel thousands of miles to watch a match
par vote.... kaun karega yaar...!!!!!
Delhi is popularly known as the dillwaalon ka sheher but voting.., accepting a national call..naa we are toooo busy... Hypocrisy attains a new well-defined dimensions in any metro-city whenever a national duty is bestowed on us.
After few months,the rainy season will commence.And if anyone of us would have to face its adversity, the next day a procession could be seen(blocking the already jammed roads...)in context of the ineffiiciency of the government.
The kids would be ragged, women be molested, crime rate would increase. The roads would look ever so bumpy. The Queues outside a government office would seem ever so long. The life would AGAIN be SOON out of track. And all this...SUDDENLY
And why....???...??
kyunki...DOT HAI TOH HOT HAI....
Monday, April 13, 2009
IIT-JEE 2009 solution key
IIT JEE 2009 is finally over. Many of you would be pretty sure of realizing your dream of being an IITian whereas some others would be still in the dilemma, whether to check up with the solutions or wait for the rest of the exams to finish.
For those of you who have already calculated their marks and feel comfortable, my heartiest congratulations to you.
For those who want to look up to the answer key, here's a list of the Answer Keys provided by leading Coaching Institutes:-
Some of you might not be contented with the way the things went this Sunday. (I know you know this but still...) Try and focus on other prestigious exams remaining. You can still look up to AIEEE, BITSAT, DCE....
Here's list of links which you may use for finding the mock-tests and prepare yourself well for the upcoming exams.
Hope you have all the luck with you when you appear for the upcoming exams.
Sunday, April 12, 2009

My dad informed me that we would be leaving for VAISHNO DEVI on the Thursday and that I need to return from the college early.
I rushed back home. After a quick packing we arrived at the railway station in the nick of time.
I feel sorry to say this but there was a complete lapse in the security. There was no interception by the police or security officials, no frisking or X-ray checks.
We boarded the train.
Arriving at the Jammu station early in the morning, there was an army-man waiting to escort us throughout the trip.
We were to be the Guests of Colonel Ranjeet, head of the artillery department for the state. A cab took us from Jammu to Katra in 100 minutes. Fauji Karan Singh had made all the arrangements- the cab, the hotel, yatra slip and a special entry pass for the darshan.
After a quick shower and a light break-fast we left Katra for the 13.5 km long trek to Vaishno Devi. The abode of the goddess is in the mountains of Trikuta Hills, J&K. The Goddess resides in a magnificient cave in the form of three Pindis.
To make the journey easy-you can hire ponies, tram car, pittoos or palkis which would drop you halfway through. Also, there are Helicopters run by private companies to drop you only 2 km from the bhavan. Thereafter, trekking.
Throughout the trek, people could be easily heard chanting the holy verse jai mata di. What was more heartening to see was, the little kids (who could barely walk on their own) taking the initiative and the elders following. The whole atmosphere was so devout and pure that it felt a different world all together. The air was refreshingly clean. The aura fashioned by the sincerity and the belief of the people was quite captivating.
Some , decided to complete the trek barefoot and another few, by just lying down and crawling their way through (not actually
There were refreshment centres and free drinking-water booth at every 500 mts.
We reached the bhavan in 4 hrs. After a final shower, with the entry pass we entered this small passage only few mtrs from the actual place. These few mtrs were so beautiful and surprisingly different that I actually run out of words in describing what one goes through... FABULOUS.
We trekked down the same day. After offering food to slum girl children (another belief prevalent..) we came back to our hotel. In the evening, someone informed that, then there was a waiting of over 50,000 for the yatra slip.
How lucky were we....phew..!!
Next day, we left Katra for Jammu station in the afternoon. On our way back, Fauji Karan explained us how they foiled a terrorist attack few months back. What was more encouraging to know, was that the fauji who actually successfully saved a hostage family (and lost his life in the process) belonged to the same community as the terrorists. I SALUTE YOU, TRULY.
We had a snacks-session with Colonel Ranjeet in the army mess. Another memorable experience. I must admit, it instils a great deal of pride, meeting such exemplary citizens.
We continued and finally reached the station well in time.
A trip which turned out to be so eventful had more to come. An icing on the cake, probably.
We took our respective seats in the train and after some time it started to move. It was then, when an old man rushed in and sat next to me (it was his seat actually..). What followed was, an hour long conversation. We got to learn that his son left him after his wife died.
Astoundingly as it may seem but, He retired as the General Manager of Crompton Greaves and that I had never met a person who was so much full of life and so jovial. He, still, was completely contented with his life. Cracking jokes, humming old Hindi songs, enjoying the ice-cream like a 7-8 year old..he had it all. Hats off SIR...
His clear distinct laughter is still afresh in my mind.
We reached back home safe and sound.
To end this... it was one memorable trip which I won't forget(and now more so, because I am writing this post..)
PS:- the names and the division (wrt the army..) has been intentionally changed.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Hi to everybody concerned, who are reading this..
IIT-JEE 2009, THE most coveted engineering exam is around the corner and I'm sure most of you guys(who cared enough to read this..) would be pretty well prepared.
I thought to share some of my experience (of clearing JEE twice.., ) and mistakes that i knowingly and unknowingly committed(and hence, not actually making through as.. an IITian) so that u may benefit. And, hence this post...
Few advices:-
- Don't actually go on listening (and in the worse case..following) to every advice forced upon you(like I am doing... ;)) around this time.
- Don't try anything new-yoga, meditation or being spiritual (OOOOLLLL of a sudden...).It won't help.
- Try interacting less with your peers, especially the ones you know are better than you.
- Don't eat chocolate, drink coffee or INSTANT energy ‘crap’ drinks before or during the exam. It would increase your anxiety level. Prefer fresh fruits.
- Talk to your parents and make sure THEY don't end up taking pills to sleep on the eve of the exam.
- Help your body, Help yourself (If you would understand what i mean...)
- Of course you had been visiting your chachas, mamis, naanis and uncleji throughout 18 years....... STOP. Remain within yourself for some time.
- Listen to light English (preferably...since u won't catch the lyrics easily(:p) so wouldn't get carried away..) and go for a post-dinner walk.
- THIS is a very EARNEST request:- Once you have the paper don't care about what others are doing. During my second attempt, one of the neighbouring student slept during the exam (yeahh, SLEPT in its literal sense) and thereafter I lost my concentration and messed up the maths section.
- During the 2 hr break TRRRRYYY to take a power-nap of 30 mins. You'll rock the second part for sure.
- Just for those 6-8 hrs make your parents (who would be accompanying you throughout..) believe that you will make it successfully.
and before i sign off, just a few lines to pump up your spirits.....
- You have been toiling for this for a pretty long time now, so it HAS to go well.
- Ideas sprout, blossom and lead to action with knowledge. Therefore, your success is irretrievably linked to knowledge. Knowledge is strength and knowledge is power. When you apply your knowledge with conviction you will find THE ANSWER TO A PROBLEM STARRING AT YOU.
- Believe in your hard work, Believe in your well-wishes and aashirwaads from elders and BELIEVE in yourself.
For any details regarding the exam, you may visit the following links:-
If you have any other personal queries, mail me:-