The night-out was finally over. We came back tired and 'embraced' our respective beds instantly.
We woke up in the afternoon(reluctantly...ie). It was 22nd May now. DJ, Mikey, Struggler and Sukkha had gone back home. Everybody else stayed back. Things had to be planned for Batak's BASHING(And I DO mean bashing). After all , It was his HAPPY WALA BUDDAY on the 23rd.
Baba briefed me the whole plan. The cake had to be bought on our way back after a GRAND dinner at a nearby restaurant.The 'soft' drinks, snacks etc..,were to be bought well before time.
- I(wishy) had to go back home and could only manage to join them at 11 at night,just an HOUR before the PARTY.
- Struggler, Sukkha could not join us for some reason.
- DJ and Mikey too could not come. DJ was too tired and rightly so...and as for Mikey...choddho
- Tiwari was all geared up to avenge the beatings he 'recieved' from Batak on his birthday.
All the other six had gone out for dinner as planned, and on their way back, picked me up.
7 namely- me, RP , Baba , C.O.E ,Tiwari, MnM(the very reliable driver..) and Batak himself., reached the hostel at 11.30. "pehla birthday message, fir start kareinge", cautiously informed - Mr.Batak.
NOW the Journey, poor soul Batak...
- Thick newspaper rolls were made to kick his ass off real bad.
- They were dipped in ice-chilled water so that it may hurt exponentially even more.
- He wasn't allowed to put on any thick clothing, not even a full-length jeans, just in case he doesn't 'feel' that its his birthday.
- Toothpaste...yeah.. you read it right..toothpaste, OF two variants, the RED one and the MINT one were specially arranged.
- A very strong and grubby color( leftover since Holi..only for this) was also made available.
- And the ever famous thought of LIFT THE Ass-KICK THE Ass (LTA-KTA) was hovering in everyone's 'innocent' minds.

Then he was taken in the corridor for THE LTA-KTA. Countless kicks, many of which were craftly manufactured after a short run-up (You would know this; the run-up during a free kick in football. It was pretty much the same except that there WAS no football..) just to intensify the whole act. Poor chap gave in , not soon though , and had to be put down.
Everybody brought their toothpastes(keep wondering how we managed to brush our teeth thereafter..) Batak still lying on the floor was hoping for some respite.
he was then covered with a thick alternating layer of the RED and the MINT toothpastes. Again-face, hairs, neck, clothes, everywhere.Then the famous color, I talked about earlier. It was all OVER him.
Then,the snack time- We enjoyed the 'soft' drinks and the potato chips. Played loud muzic, danced and danced even more.

PS:- Batak was also 'bathed ' viciously with the 'soft' drink by RP and MnM.
Finally we reached the roof-top of the hostel and lay down aimlessly.And as I always say, Mawsum was Awesome. The whole sh*t came to an end with me and RP smashing the bottles against the walls. PURE JOY....trust me..!!
PS:-Batak was not able to sit or lie down comfortably the entire night, because of the TREATMENT he just received.
All in all, it was great fun( I'm sure not much for him) and the best birthday of which I, was a part off.
PS:- I know, I know.. My ass is not secure for too long now...!!!
You obviously wished you were here to wash your hands as well..., din't you??
Let me know your comments. Also, you can follow me on twitter.