Sunday, April 5, 2009


Hi to everybody concerned, who are reading this..

IIT-JEE 2009, THE most coveted engineering exam is around the corner and I'm sure most of you guys(who cared enough to read this..) would be pretty well prepared.

I thought to share some of my experience (of clearing JEE twice.., ) and mistakes that i knowingly and unknowingly committed(and hence, not actually making through as.. an IITian) so that u may benefit. And, hence this post...

Few advices:-

  • Don't actually go on listening (and in the worse case..following) to every advice forced upon you(like I am doing... ;)) around this time.
  • Don't try anything new-yoga, meditation or being spiritual (OOOOLLLL of a sudden...).It won't help.
  • Try interacting less with your peers, especially the ones you know are better than you.
  • Don't eat chocolate, drink coffee or INSTANT energy ‘crap’ drinks before or during the exam. It would increase your anxiety level. Prefer fresh fruits.
  • Talk to your parents and make sure THEY don't end up taking pills to sleep on the eve of the exam.
  • Help your body, Help yourself (If you would understand what i mean...)
  • Of course you had been visiting your chachas, mamis, naanis and uncleji throughout 18 years....... STOP. Remain within yourself for some time.
  • Listen to light English (preferably...since u won't catch the lyrics easily(:p) so wouldn't get carried away..) and go for a post-dinner walk.
  • THIS is a very EARNEST request:- Once you have the paper don't care about what others are doing. During my second attempt, one of the neighbouring student slept during the exam (yeahh, SLEPT in its literal sense) and thereafter I lost my concentration and messed up the maths section.
  • During the 2 hr break TRRRRYYY to take a power-nap of 30 mins. You'll rock the second part for sure.
  • Just for those 6-8 hrs make your parents (who would be accompanying you throughout..) believe that you will make it successfully.

and before i sign off, just a few lines to pump up your spirits.....

  • You have been toiling for this for a pretty long time now, so it HAS to go well.
  • Ideas sprout, blossom and lead to action with knowledge. Therefore, your success is irretrievably linked to knowledge. Knowledge is strength and knowledge is power. When you apply your knowledge with conviction you will find THE ANSWER TO A PROBLEM STARRING AT YOU.
  • Believe in your hard work, Believe in your well-wishes and aashirwaads from elders and BELIEVE in yourself.

For any details regarding the exam, you may visit the following links:-

If you have any other personal queries, mail me:-




  1. heyy nice written..although i m no iit aspirant...was one last a fucked up rank in 6k... :) but was just going through random blogs and found ur advises quite original and true... :)

  2. Here is some advice from an IITian himself ;)

    1. Don't listen to what non-IITians have to say about JEE. :P

    2. First point notwithstanding, even if you feel you must follow a non-IITian's advice be very careful in endorsing the idea & implementing it into your plan.

    For example, if someone says "Try interacting less with your peers" or that "English songs help perform better in the exams", I would advice you to be cautious while following such ideas. :P

    3. Chill! IITs aren't an end in itself. If you don't make it to IITs, there are hundreds of other colleges to which you can go to. (IITs stand nowhere in the world rankings!)

  3. It is often said 'IITians' remain very insecure ever after.I a 'NoN-IITian' as u rightly said, never believed but Ahem Ahem,mayb now I can see Why...???


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